Sunday, June 15, 2008

Days 3 & 4 - A Little Crisis

I don't really have much to post for the next couple of days. My little earache and trouble with my eye turned out to be a viral infection that turned into Bell's Palsey. I found out what the Disney Magic's Health Center looks like and met just about every doctor and nurse on board. I had never heard of Bell's Palsey until I got it, but basically half of your face stops working well. I was a little freaked out at first, but the doctors told me the earlier you catch it, the better you fare.

They told me that they would have me see a specialist in Aruba once we docked there. I did not do too much other than sleep for the next couple of days in my cabin.

For anyone worried about getting sick on a ship, I have to say that Disney was just as nice as could be. They went out of their way to make sure I was as comfortable as possible and really went above and beyond the call of duty. They don't take any insurance on the ship, so you have to charge everything to your cabin and then talk to your insurance company when you get back.

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