Sunday, June 15, 2008

Days 8 and 9 - Lazy Days at Sea

We have really been blessed by the weather gods this trip. Every day has simply been beautiful and the seas have been VERY calm. We did not do too much the past couple of days other than relax by the pool and sleep (and eat). My face is continuing to get better and I am feeling much better.

I have to say I CAN'T WAIT to get off the ship when it docks in Acapulco tomorrow. I don't care where we go or what we do, but I want to get off the boat!

My Mom and I did take the opportunity to lose at BINGO. I must say that we really are VERY good at it now. Disney even has these new machines that you just hold and it does all of the work for you. I think the cost was around $60 for something like 40 cards and as you play it would tell you how many cards had the last number called and it would display your best card on the screen. It really did have all of the fun without the stress of finding the numbers and 'poke-and-fold' the right ones.

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